Browsing by Author Kothari, Ashish

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Showing results 18 to 28 of 28 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-06A Mixture of DWT-DCT based Digital Watermarking Algorithm against various Attacks and its ApplicationRaviya, Kaushik; Vyas, Ved; Kothari, Ashish
2020-09Multi-level security of medical images based on encryption and watermarking for telemedicine applicationsThanki, Rohit; Kothari, Ashish
2022Noma Design In The Sixth Generation: A New FrontierDave, Krupa; Kothari, Ashish
2017A Novel Approach for Monocular 3D Object Tracking in Cluttered EnvironmentGhedia, Navneet; Vithalani, C.; Kothari, Ashish
2020Novel Approach For Traffic Directing In Urban Areas Using Ant Colony Optimization Technique To Diminish The Effect Of Air Pollution On The Human BodyVaria, Dhaval; Kothari, Ashish
2014-06Performance Analysis of Digital Watermarking Of Video in the Spatial DomainKothari, Ashish; Vyas, Ved
2017-05Performance Evaluation of Crowd Analysis Algorithm using Modified GMM and Adaptive ThresholdingGhedia, Navneet; Vithalani, C.; Kothari, Ashish
2019Real Time Depth Hole Filling using Kinect Sensor and Depth Extract from Stereo ImagesRaviya, Kapil; Vyas, Ved; Kothari, Ashish; Gohil, Gunvantsinh
2022-07Road Network Extraction Methods from Remote Sensing Images: A Review PaperPatel, Miral J; Kothari, Ashish
2019-04SVD Based Performance Improvement in Hiding a Message Behind an ImageRaviya, Kaushik; Vyas, Ved; Kothari, Ashish
2022Zoom based image super-resolution using DCT with LBP as characteristic modelDoshi, Meera; Gajjar, Prakash; Kothari, Ashish