Browsing by Author Acharya, Ghanshyam

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Application of digital image processing technique in the microstructure analysis and the machinability investigationSheladiya, Manojkumar; Acharya, Shailee; Kothari, Ashish; Acharya, Ghanshyam
2022Implementationof zero defect concept through quality tool for process capability improvement of diesel engine pinAcharya, Ghanshyam
2022Parametric Optimization of End Milling Operation on EN24 Steel Shaft of Grinding MachineAcharya, Ghanshyam
2020Technological investigation of effect of machining parameter on tool lifeSheladiya, Manojkumar; Acharya, Shailee; Acharya, Ghanshyam