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dc.contributor.authorJani, Shivang-
dc.contributor.authorUmaretiya, Kelvin-
dc.contributor.authorChauhan, Hardik-
dc.description.abstractMetal forming is one of the manufacturing processes that is almost chip less. The machine used for pressing is known as a press. There are many different types of presses. The most popular are hydraulic presses and pneumatic presses. Presses are used for manufacturing large quantities of parts fast, accurately, and economically through the cold working of mild steel and other ductile materials. Presses are used in industries for different purposes, including blanking, piercing, and pressing. Press work is defined as a chip-less manufacturing process by which various components are made from sheet metal. Press machines always work under an impact load condition. Because of the continuous impact of the load, the frame of the press machine always experiences continuous tensile stress.en_US
dc.publisherInternational Journal of Production Engineeringen_US
dc.subjectPress machineen_US
dc.subjectstress concentrationen_US
dc.subjectframe structureen_US
dc.titleA review paper on the analysis and optimization of the 110-ton frame structure of a hydraulic pressen_US
Appears in Collections:01 Journal Articles

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A review paper on the analysis and optimization of the 110-ton frame structure of a hydraulic press _ Umaretiya _ International Journal of Production Engineering.pdf230.97 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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