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Title: A Technical Review of Hybrid Welding of Dissimilar Metal Joint
Authors: Pankhaniya, Milan
Keywords: Hybrid Welding
Advance Welding Technique
Issue Date: Mar-2024
Publisher: International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
Series/Report no.: 13;3
Abstract: New era of the Industrial Revolution, a new method is established in the welding of similar/dissimilarmetals. Welding of dissimilar metals still possesses a significant challenge because of their incompatible material properties and structure. Using new materials in automobiles, aerospace has made dissimilar metal welding a very essential part of industrial application. Microwave Hybrid Heating (MHH) is a technique that has acquired a lot of attention in the recent years because of its precise and controlled heating and it can help in selective heating of materials. This process can join many materials and is also cost-effective and environment friendly. This paper reviews the successful joining of dissimilar metals through two non-conventional welding techniques namely Microwave hybrid heating and Tungsten Inert Gas welding but mainly focusing on the recent Microwave hybrid heating process with regards to the materials, susceptor medium, exposure time and the various techniques used for characterization of the joints. It can be concluded from the findings that limited study has been carried out in the field of dissimilar welding of metals through the above processes, especially microwave through microwave hybrid heating and there is scope for improvement and research
ISSN: 2319-8753
Appears in Collections:01 Journal Articles

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