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Title: Secure transmission and integrity verification of color radiological images using fast discrete curvelet transform and compressive sensing
Authors: Borisagar, Komal
Issue Date: Apr-2019
Publisher: Elevier: Smart Health
Abstract: Rapid growth in digitization and globalization has influenced the medical field immensely. The radiological pictures are frequently shared comprehensively among specialists, medicinal experts, radiologists, analysts, and patients themselves by means of wired or remote media for purposes, for example, common accessibility and enhancing the diagnostic results. This paper proposes a hybrid and high capacity image hiding technique for secure transmission and integrity of color radiological images. The Compressive Sensing (CS) theory is used to encrypt the color secret image before embedding them into high frequency Fast Discrete Curvelet Transform (FDCuT) coefficients of color radiological images. The simulations gave a PSNR of 63.96 dB, which demonstrates better performance in terms of imperceptibility of stego color radiological image. Further, expansive payload limit is permitted when contrasted with many existing strategies.
ISSN: 2352-6483
Appears in Collections:01. Journal Articles

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