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dc.contributor.authorBilakhiya, Anas R.-
dc.contributor.authorChavda, Yashraj M.-
dc.contributor.authorChudasama, Dhaval S.-
dc.contributor.authorRabadiya, Jay D.-
dc.contributor.authorMarakana, Vatsal M.-
dc.identifier.citationBilakhiya, Anas R.; Chavda, Yashraj M.; Chudasama, Dhaval S.; Rabadiya, Jay D.; Marakana Vatsal M. (2024). Formulation and Characterization of Herbal Tablets For the Management of Dengue. School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciencesen_US
dc.description.abstractAs a formulation, tablets are made with plant extracts, such as vasaka powder and the extracts of Carica papaya and Embelica officinalis. The process of dry granulation was used to create these pills. In this article, herbal pills were made using an extract of the fruits of Embelica officinalis and the leaves of Carica papaya. Cold extraction and maceration techniques were used to get extracts from Carica papaya leaves, while the maceration process was used to extract fruit from Embelica officinalis. After drying, the three extracts were combined. To create granules, these extracts were subsequently impregnated with various excipients, including lubricants, super disintegrating agents, binding agents, and diluents. Then, these granules were assessed using a variety of factors, including Hausner's Ratio, void volume, Carr's Index, tapped density, bulk density, and angle of repose. After that, the machine was used to punch these grains into the appropriate size and form for tablets. The physical appearance, weight variation, friability, disintegration time, hardness test, and thickness of the tablets were investigated after they were prepared. Additionally, the taste and sweetness of the tablets are taken into consideration when determining their acceptance. Recent research has demonstrated the potential benefits of papaya leaf herbal extract as an anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, immunomodulatory, and woundhealing agent, including as an antioxidant. The fresh pulp of amla fruit contains 400– 550 mg of ascorbic acid, which is a good natural source of vitamin C. It is also abundant in minerals, including calcium, iron, and phosphorus. Amla is utilized as an immunomodulatory drug, which boosts the patient's immunity. The study's objective is to design, develop, and optimize a dengue dosage form. It is predicated on the mingling of chemical and synthetic chemicals with natural plant substances to create an efficient unit dosage form that will improve patient compliance. Vasaka possesses anti-inflammatory properties. Adhatoda Vasica possesses antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. it is useful for treating dengue.en_US
dc.publisherSchool of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciencesen_US
dc.subjectVasaka Extractsen_US
dc.subjectHerbal tableten_US
dc.titleFormulation and Characterization of Herbal Tablets For the Management of Dengueen_US
Appears in Collections:01. B.Pharm Final Year Student Project Reports

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