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Results 1-10 of 28 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-07Road Network Extraction Methods from Remote Sensing Images: A Review PaperPatel, Miral J; Kothari, Ashish
2022Noma Design In The Sixth Generation: A New FrontierDave, Krupa; Kothari, Ashish
2015Brain Tumor Segmentation Methods: A ReviewChandarana, Dimpee; Kothari, Ashish
2016-10An Evaluation and Improved Matching Cost of Stereo Matching MethodRaviya, Kapil; Vyas, Ved; Kothari, Ashish
2017Critical Performance Analysis of Object Tracking Algorithm for Indoor Surveillance using modified GMM and Kalman FilteringGhedia, Navneet; Vithalani, C.; Kothari, Ashish
2017A Novel Approach for Monocular 3D Object Tracking in Cluttered EnvironmentGhedia, Navneet; Vithalani, C.; Kothari, Ashish
2014-06Performance Analysis of Digital Watermarking Of Video in the Spatial DomainKothari, Ashish; Vyas, Ved
2022Zoom based image super-resolution using DCT with LBP as characteristic modelDoshi, Meera; Gajjar, Prakash; Kothari, Ashish
2021-05Hybrid, blind and robust image watermarking: RDWT – NSCT based secure approach for telemedicine applicationsThanki, Rohit; Kothari, Ashish; Borra, Surekha
2019-06Hybrid and blind watermarking scheme in DCuT – RDWT domainThanki, Rohit; Kothari, Ashish; Trivedi, Deven
