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Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-10Implementation of Foreground Detection Algorithm Using Modified GMM for Outdoor SurveillanceGhedia, Navneet; Vithalani, C.; Kothari, Ashish
2020A comprehensive Survey: Background Estimation and Motion Detection ApproachesGhedia, Navneet; Vithalani, C.; Kothari, Ashish
2020Critical Comparative Analysis of Object Detection and Tracking AlgorithmsGhedia, Navneet; Vithalani, C.; Kothari, Ashish
2020-09Multi-level security of medical images based on encryption and watermarking for telemedicine applicationsThanki, Rohit; Kothari, Ashish
2020Color Image Watermarking in Encryption DomainThanki, Rohit; Kothari, Ashish
2020Image Quality Assessment For Various Medical Image Processing ApplicationsPatel, Nayankumar; Kothari, Ashish; Dwivedi, Ved Vyas
2020Novel Approach For Traffic Directing In Urban Areas Using Ant Colony Optimization Technique To Diminish The Effect Of Air Pollution On The Human BodyVaria, Dhaval; Kothari, Ashish
